4D Game Plan
How to handle the chaos of fighting using the 4D plan
" I’ve been teaching for over 53 years and have taught lots of seminars. Throughout them all I’ve always tried to teach the very best stuff. This was one of the best seminars I’ve delivered.
The premise was simple. Make people better at fighting in a three hour period.
My aim here was to turn them from soldiers into generals. In charge of events not subject to them and to know what’s happening before it starts.
There are seven ’ boxes ‘ in the 4D system. Each is like a sub system with root techniques and a myriad of variations.
At this seminar, we concentrated on the four boxes that happen all the time.
1. Striking: The fundamentals of effective striking
2. The Box: A complete way of controlling what strikes they can throw and manipulating their decisions
3. The Split: Splitting their attack and putting your attack inside theirs.
4. Evasion: Evading within the box you’re standing in. I show the nine options, then move that box with footwork. This gives you infinite options
Mixing it all together: I show how to mix these so that you’re setting the pace, reducing their options and directing the conflict.
Notate: Lastly I got everyone to say which of the above they were doing as they did it.
After 3 hours the results were epic. Everyone was calmer, more efficient & effective, yet having fun."
1 4D Introduction
2 Jab The Importance of Structure and Stance
3 Step Jab and Double Jab
4 Snap Back
5 Jab Catch Drill
6 Jab Retreat Drill
7 The Box
8 The Box: Hip grounding and elbow control.
9 The Box: North and South
10 The Box East and West
11 The Box Random
12 Single Split
13 Double and Triple Split
14 Hook Detail on the Split
15 Splitting the Cross
16 Splitting Both Sides
17 Hook and Roll
18 The Breen Lean
19 Box and Split Random
20 Jamming and Riffing
21 Evasion Tiktok
22 Who is in Charge?
23 Shoulder Roll
24 Annotating
25 Castle-Spiders Web-Invisible
26 4D Map and Conclusion
Bob Breen