Course curriculum

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    • 1 Box (no mic)

    • 2 Variations of split

    • 3 Testing the split

    • 4 Split keeping it tight

    • 5 Split tight hook and keeping it loose

    • 6 Split tangle

    • 7 Split into clinch

    • 8 Split into tackle (mic muffled in parts)

    • 9 Split into tackle finshes (mic muffled in parts)

    • 10 Box Overhook into puta and finish

    • 11 Details to finish branch up or down

    • 12 Hubud: Kob kob escape from trapping.

    • 13 Hubud biceps check only going forward

    • 14 Hubud chaining 1st change

    • 15 Hubud 1st change 4 directions

    • 16 Hubud roll change variations

    • 17 Hubud Biu jee change and positioning

    • 18 Hubud subtleties and terminator finger with Joe Habis

    • 19 Hubud jau sau change

    • 20 Lock defence against the half beat

    • 21 First 3 locks out of 5 in Hubud

    • 22 Conceptual locks and play with Zak