Course curriculum

  • 1

    Warm up and welcome

    • Welcome and warm up

    • pads hubud clinch warm up

  • 2

    Focus pads:

    • Pad holding start

    • Pads Jab and double jab

    • Target acquisition and foot placement

    • pads Jab details on the pads

    • Pads Jab and double jab

    • Pads Jab coaching about body position

    • Pads jab catch footwork

    • Coaching jab details

    • Pads jab and cross jab step and cross

    • Pads jab and cross head movement and birambau

    • pads Double jab second partner

    • Pads jab catch etc second partner

  • 3

    Pads: Half guard

    • Pads half guard start

    • pads half guard no preparations

    • Pads Half guard elbow flip kidney slap

  • 4


    • Hubud Kakie

    • Hubad hand positions

    • Hubad with Terry one handed drill

    • Hubad Basic Hubad the slow route into Waki Gatame

    • Hubud: cllinch Waki gatame and figure four

  • 5


    • Pushing basics

    • Pushing off a cliff and other strategies

    • Arm drag details

    • Pushing and arm drag with Steve

    • Clinch Two on one details with Tony clearing areas

    • Clinch Two on one details with Alex

    • Depth in defence and using stance on two on one etc

    • Clinch Cut the chicken to head control generation game

    • Cut the chicken details and countering.

    • Will Dixon head control options