Course Description

This book will teach you how to increase your power in all three of the main boxing blows: 

  • the jab 
  • the cross/ straight right
  • the hook

It's designed to give you knockout power whatever the situation. 

This book uses a step-by-step method to improve the structure of how you punch and how to increase the weight in your blows, plus all the information you need on power development. 

It provides in-depth techniques and ways to make you truly effective. Above all, it will show you how to train properly and how to have punches that people fear. 

Please note this book is also available in my 2020 book bundle where it's discounted. Check that out first.


Bob Breen

My name is Bob Breen, and I’m honoured to be considered the Godfather of JKD and Kali in the Europe.

My journey in martial arts has covered over 50 years, and just about every discipline you can think of. These are the areas that I'm best known for. 

-One of the first Karate Black belts in the UK
-Captained the English Karate team
-Pioneered JKD and Filipino Martial arts in Europe,
-Full instructor under Dan Inosanto
-Founder member of WEKAF (World Eskrima, Kali, Arnis Federation)
-Captain and coach of 1989 World Championship British Eskrima team
-Coach of 1992 British Eskrima team
-Instructor to many World champions and many of Britain’s leading instructors

Throughout my journey, I've always looked to perfect my skills and find the most effective way of fighting. Consequently, I’ve always been near the cutting edge of martial arts development in the UK. 

Course curriculum

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